carry adequate insurance coverage 

To protect yourself while enhancing the lives of others, you should be fully insured as a practitioner. It is recommended you check your state for regulations and the available insurance companies and any additional information for licensing. Here at AMA we train both those who are licensed and non-licensed individuals all over the world. Due to our large scope, the different regulations regarding licensing and insurance will vary which why we ask our students to take time to educate themselves on any laws or governing boards.

For insurance, you can find coverage by simply going online and researching insurance companies for beauty enhancements. You will find a wide array of companies and coverage, but you should take time to research the right one for you and your practice. Practitioners are able to find coverage for as low as $96 to $180 a year for liability coverage. The reward of having liability coverage compared to the risk of litigation, makes finding the right kind of insurance in your best interest. 

Additional websites where you can find insurance coverage: 

We do not endorse any specific insurance provider.



The Aesthetics Group takes you and your clients safety personally, which is why we encourage you to take precautions when performing procedures especially when bloodborne pathogens are present.

In the United States of America we have an official government agency assembled to take on the responsibility of work safety. This official government agency is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, more commonly known as OSHA.

Students going through our training courses should seek out a bloodborne pathogen training course online as a safeguard to protect yourself and your clients under OSHA. This training can provide you with the valuable information to protect yourself from health hazards such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, malaria, brucellosis, syphilis, West Nile virus, and COVID-19 just to name a few.

It is also recommended that students be certified in Infection Control and Prevention, since one of the most common occupations for infections to happen are in the healthcare and aesthetics fields. It is important to keep yourself and your clients safe from contamination and infections, as well as reduce their ability to spread. Although this is a needle-free procedure, you will still puncture the skin with plasma energy so you will need to ensure the safety of yourself and your clients from infections and spreading them. Infections can live in multiple areas, on various materials, and on the client, which is why it is extremely important for you to know how to prevent infections.  

We recommend finding an accredited online course to help you safeguard yourself and protect your clients.

**Bloodborne Pathogen or BBP certification is valid for 1 year and must be renewed.

**Infection Control and Prevention certification is valid for 2 years and must be renewed. 


Any occupation or line of work where you can possibly have blood exposure, you need to take every precaution available to keep everyone safe.



In light of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC or Center for Disease Control and Prevention have passed guidelines to assist estheticians in their daily sanitizing protocols. Below are the basic tips to keep in mind. Then we will dive into safety methods to practice before, during, and after your client's appointment.

basic tips to follow

Because you are working so closely with your client and they will not have anything over their mouth, the best way to keep yourself safe if it wear an N95 mask. However, whether you can acquire one may depend on your state or region. If N95 is not obtainable, it is recommended that you wear a 3-ply face mask at all times. If your clients are not having any work done on or around their mouths, or they are only having a consultation, have them wear a face mask. This will reduce the chance of contamination.

If you or your clients show any symptoms, stay home to reduce the chance of passing it on.

Be sure to sanitize everything from handles to chairs, to pens and anything in between. Share your disinfection protocol with clients and if you have one, your cancellation or rescheduling rules.

Maintain multiple sets of your tools (plasma pens, needles) and supplies to allow for a quicker and more sanitary treatment turnaround time.

Maintain 6 feet distance when possible and do not touch your face even with gloves on. Always wash your hands with a germicide-based soap, and keep everything sanitized. If you can purchase an autoclave it is a wise investment. This machine disinfects metal implements and tools. If you are unable to acquire one, be sure to have a disinfecting solution to clean or wipe your tools and implements with.

Provide yourself additional time to clean between procedures to ensure your treatment space is disinfected. A support staff to help clean and keep the areas sanitized would prove to be beneficial. Another great way to keep your environment sterile and infection-free is to use a germicidal lamp. 

Some states do not allow for a waiting room, so if you are in one of these states be sure to schedule your clients accordingly to reduce their wait time. Also, you can suggest that clients wait in their car, and then you can call them when you are ready for them. If you are in a state that allows for a waiting room area, be sure the clients are six feet apart and wearing face masks. Have hand sanitizer available for them.

Read up on your state's rules and regulations regarding COVID-19 to make sure you are in compliance.

Prior to Procedure:

Before your client comes, make sure the room and all your tools are sanitized and clean. Have your hands washed using an alcohol based soap, a nail brush, and have your mask on ready to greet them. Make sure your working station is sanitized and ready for them. It is recommended that you have multiple tools on hand. Do not touch your client, but greet them the best you can. Have them wear a mask or provide them with one if possible. For your tools and products, be sure to have a sterilized tray to hold them and keep your items organized.

After Procedure:

After your work is complete, be sure to throw any linen or towels used in the appropriate bins. Disinfect every tool, device, item, chair, and handle you or your client came in contact with. Place your tools or machinery in the proper sanitizing solution or in the autoclave to be rid of any possible contamination. Be sure you wash your hands after the procedure once you have disposed of your gloves. Another level of protection is to use contact-less payment methods. The less surfaces touched, the better. If this is not possible, wipe down your payment processing devices after each use.


Now more than ever, we need to educate ourselves on how pathogens spread, and what we can do to protect ourselves. In this module we will cover best practices for preventing the spread of infection, but we encourage you to take an infection control course to be fully aware of how best to protect yourself and your clients. 

How infection spreads

 Direct and Indirect Contact

We can come in contact with germs by touching a surface that has been contaminated by someone coughing or sneezing on it, or by infectious particles being transferred to the object in another manner. This is transmission via indirect contact. Direct contact involves directly touching another person.

Droplet Transmission

Droplets from sneezing, coughing or talking can briefly travel in the air and infect another person though the mouth, nose or eyes. Wearing a face mask greatly helps reduce the chance of droplet-borne transmission,

Airborne Transmission

When infectious particles are small enough to float in the air for an extended period of time they can cause airborne transmission of disease. 

reduce the spread of infection

It's helpful to know the chain of infection so that we can learn ways to disrupt this chain and reduce the chance of spreading sickness. The chain of infection is a sequence of events that must occur in order to cause a sickness. 


• Infectious Agent: This is the microscopic pathogen that can cause an infection.


• Reservoir: Reservoirs are places in the environment where the infectious agent lives such as on or within an animal or human host. 

• Portal of Exit: This is the specific way the infectious agent leaves the reservoir. For example many viruses exit a host by the respiratory tract. Bloodborne pathogens exist in the blood, so their portal of exit could be a cut or scratch.

• Mode of Transmission: There are many ways infections can be spread. The three most common ways an infectious agent can be transmitted to another host are by droplets (coughing, sneezing, talking), direct and indirect contact and airborne particles.

• Portal of Entry: A portal of entry is the way the infectious agent enters its new host. This could be through the nose, mouth, or other tissues. 

• Susceptible Host: The susceptible host is the person the pathogen enters and infects.


Eliminating or Inactivating the Infectious Agent

 Example- pest control, antibiotics, antiviral medication, sterilizing surfaces, washing hands

Preventing Contact 

 Example- isolating or quarantining infected individual

Preventing Infectious Agent Escape 

 Example- covering the mouth when coughing or sneezing, wearing a face mask

Blocking the Ports of Entry

 Example- wearing gloves, using a mosquito net while sleeping, wearing a face mask, wearing a face shield

Offering Resistance to the Host

 Example- natural immune response, vaccines

PRECAUTIONS to prevent the spread of infection

The best way to stop infections from spreading is by interrupting the chain of infection. The two main categories for breaking the chain of infection are standard precautions and transmission-based precautions.


Standard precautions are the fundamental safety measures that service professionals should use when interacting with their client.

Standard precautions include basic steps such as:

• Frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer

• Using personal protective equipment 

• Following respiratory hygiene, covering a cough or sneeze

• Ensuring appropriate client placement 

• Using proper procedures to disinfect tools and equipment

• Proper handling of needles and other equipment


Hand washing is a simple yet effective way to reduce infections. Many pathogens, including coronaviruses have a fatty outer cell membrane. Soap can breakdown and dissolve fat. When you wash your hands, the soap is disrupting the molecular bond of these infectious substances. If you lather up long enough, you can completely kill many types of bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents. 

Wash your hands for 20 seconds to help prevent spreading infection to yourself or someone else.

Wash your hands...

 Before touching a client

• Before performing a treatment

• After being exposed to blood or body fluids

• After touching potentially contaminated surfaces

• Immediately after removing gloves

Hands can be cleaned with... 

• Soap and water 

• A 70 percent alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water is not available


One of the most efficient ways to prevent the transmission of infections is to keep your work environment clean and sanitized.

The CDC recommends the following guidelines: 

• Procedures and policies should be in place for routine care, cleaning, and disinfection of environmental surfaces, especially frequently touched surfaces in (procedure equipment, door knobs, etc.)

• All waste, such as used disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades, microblades, ampoules, gloves, etc., should be considered potentially infectious, and they should be classified, handled, and disposed of properly. 


Another way in which you can control the spread of infection is to use personal protective equipment or PPE. Personal protective equipment is an inexpensive yet effective way to impact two different sequences within the chain of infection. They can prevent transmission through a portal of exit or infection by blocking portals of entry. 

PPE Options

• Masks, Goggles, Face Shields: used during procedures that are likely to generate splashes or sprays of blood, body fluids, and secretions

• Gloves: used whenever there is a potential for contact with blood, body fluids, mucous membranes, broken skin, or contaminated equipment


With aesthetics procedures you may find yourself constantly needing to re-glove. Sometimes you will find yourself needing to grab something from a drawer but you are already wearing your gloves. If you do pick up something the gloves are no longer sterile. Before you touch anything you will need to take your gloves off so that you are not contaminating the handle and anything else you touch in the process. You need to be stay conscious of what you're about to touch when doing procedures. The only items you should be touching while wearing your gloves are what you have set up on your tray before the procedure. 

In order to avoid having to put on a new pair of gloves because you forgot an item, have your work area properly set up. Below are the items you will need to equip your treatment space at your own facility. 

Products and Table Setup

• Sterile Table Towel 

• Hand Mirror 

• Plasma Fibroblast Pen 

• Fibroblast Needles 

• Protective Face Masks

• 4" Cotton Squares

• Alcohol Wipes and Alcohol Sanitizer

• Metal Tray

• Sharps Disposal Container

• Practitioner Gloves 

• Petroleum Jelly

• Aesthetic Q-Tip

safety for needles, blades and sharp items

Sharp items such as needles, microblades, and ampoules that  have been used should be considered contaminated. Place the used probe or needle in a designated waste receptacle for contaminated items. This waste receptacle should have a lid. The location of your waste bin for contaminated materials should not be near a general client waiting room or other type of common area, but in a secure location with limited chance for accidental contact. Seal the bag and dispose of properly at the end of the day.

• Needles should not be recapped, bent, broken, or hand-manipulated. 

• If recapping is required, needles should not be recapped by using both hands or any other technique that involves directing the point of a needle toward any part of the body. 

• A one-handed scoop technique or a mechanical device designed for holding the needle cap must be used where capping needles (e.g., between multiple injections and before removing from a non-disposable aspirating syringe). 

• Used sharp items must be placed in appropriate puncture-resistant containers located as close as possible to the area where the items are used.

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